Friday, 11 March 2011

Young D Soulja is writing a new album Called (I’ll die Trying).

(I) Young D Soulja is writing a new album Called (I’ll die Trying).
The album is going to be based on (MY) Young D Soulja Comeback from 2010 which wasn’t a successful year and the worstest Year of my life.

The album is going to be based on true events in (MY) Young D Soulja Life, comeback, 2010 and 2011
Also, the album is going to be a Hip pop album. 90% of the Album is going be negative with loads of swearing in, Violence and so on so fore. You’ll found of the rest once the album is complete

Also; at the minute there are plans to create a movie from the album which Young D Soulja will star in.

Album name is (I’ll die Trying)
Movie name is (I’ll die Trying)

The album and movie won't be release for many years from now.


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