Wednesday, 1 September 2010

Superstar DJ. Written in 2007

Superstar DJ

Hi, my name is Louis Dickson A.K.A. Young D / Young D Soulja. I’m 18 years old and in my spare time I like to sing, dance, write songs, and every weekend I DJ with my brother.

My brother first started djing when he put together a surprise party for my dad. Everyone at the party loved it and he was booked for another party the week later, so he decided to take djing further and set up his own business. I have been djing since October 2006 and now my brother and I DJ together every weekend, travelling up and down the country. The company is now a big success and my brother has employed more djs and entertainers. Since I started I have done over 100 parties across England. I love Djing, I think it is an awesome job. I’m always listening to music where ever I go. Another passion of mine is dancing and singing. I would love to one day perform as a dancer in a pop stars video. I have many dreams of what I would like to achieve in my life, and another dream of mine is to make my own music. So, when I’m not djing, I spend my time as a songwriter and a producer with the record label INFINITY. I have been working with this record label since April 2007 but I have been writing songs since I was 15 years old. I have about 250 songs at the moment but I am writing more with the help of Linford, the manager of INFINITY.
I have written songs about how I feel and what I have experienced. I like writing songs because it is like telling a story, telling other people about your experiences and your views on life. The record label supports me with my music and is helping me to stand on my own feet to achieve my dream. Since I have been with the record label I have written three more songs and I have produced loads of tracks and come up with some awesome beats. I like to have a go at everything so I have even designed my own cover for my album. The label offers you a range of workshops where you can improve your singing, song writing, producing, performing and how to deal with the media. I recently found out that Coneygre Arts Centre in Tipton run similar workshops that can help develop my music and my career in the music business. I’m looking forward to seeing how far I can go in the music industry.
written & published in 2007.
By Louis Dickson / Young D Soulja / Young D 

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