Sunday, 11 September 2011

Everyone needs to look at this day in remembrance.

Everyone needs to look at this day in remembrance and as a life lesson that it could just be a normal day like any other and your life could be gone or drastically changed in the blink of a eye!! <33

I can't believe it's been 10 years. I was in year 8 at school. 2 month after my 12th birthday. The weather was beautiful

I can't believe it's been 10 years. I was in year 8 at school. 2 month after my 12th birthday. The weather was beautiful.


My heart goes out to the 2,983 ppl who lost their lives on September 11, 2001. God Bless America RIP 9/11 victims ♥

RIP to all the innocent people that died on 9/11 and my thoughts are with everyone that suffered!

RIP to all the innocent people that died on 9/11 and my thoughts are with everyone that suffered!

10 years later and we'll never forget 9/11/01 #GodBlessAmerica

10 years later and we'll never forget 9/11/01. God Bless America



My heart goes out to all the people who lost their lives on September 11, 2001. RIP 9/11 victims ♥

My heart goes out to all the people who lost their lives on September 11, 2001. RIP 9/11 victims ♥

rest in peace to those victims who were involved in the 9\11.

rest in peace to those victims who were involved in the 9\11. ♥

Sunday, 4 September 2011

Young D The Beginning - Hip Hop Mixtape 2009

Young D The Beginning - Hip Hop Mixtape 2009


Young D Soulja MixTapes Names

----------------- MY MIXTAPES ( Finished Ones ) -----------------

Young D /Young D Soulja - The Beginning - Hip Hop Mixtape 2009

Young D / Young D Soulja - ScrapBook Mixtape

----------------- WORKING ON -----------------

Young D Soulja - Self-Made Mixtape

Young D Soulja - My Life Mixtape

Young D Soulja - Split Personality Mixtape

Young D Soulja - I'm the Swag King Mixtape

Young D Soulja - My World Mixtape

Young D Soulja - Young D Souljaz Money Gang / YDS MG Mixtape

Young D Soulja - The Billion Dollar Empire Mixtape

Young D Soulja - My Last Stand Mixtape

Young D Soulja Albums Names

----------------- MY ALBUMS ( Finished Ones ) -----------------

Young D Soulja - My Love Jordan Album

Young D Soulja - Gangsta Album

Young D Soulja - Gangsta II Album

Young D Soulja - My Girl Album

Young D Soulja - My Girl II Album

Young D Soulja - The Final Chapter Album

Young D Soulja - Gangsta III Album

Young D Soulja - Government Album

Young D Soulja - Unconditional Love Album

Young D Soulja - Young D Soulja Album

Young D Soulja - Young Love Album

Young D Soulja - Young Love II Album

Young D Soulja - My Love Jordan II Album

Young D Soulja - The Love Is Broken Album

Young D Soulja - The Final Chapter II Album

----------------- WORKING ON -----------------

Young D Soulja - I'll Die Trying / I Will Die Trying Album

Young D Soulja - Sexual Plesaure Album

Young D Soulja - Journey Of Love Album

Young D Soulja - S.N.D Album

Young D Soulja - The Final Chapter III Album
