Sunday, 27 June 2010

Louis Dickson / Young D Soulja / Young D 21st Paintballing birthday bash


Date: Saturday, July 3, 2010
Time: 12:30pm - 4:30pm
Location: SAS Paintball UK
Street: Woodhall Farm, Wood Road, Codsall Wood, Wolverhampton, West Midlands, Staffordshire, UK, WV8 1QR
City/Town: Wolverhampton, United Kingdom

Young D 21st Birthday Bash.

This is my 21st birthday bash.
If you would like to come please read the information carefully

You need to be 16 years old and over.
IF you 100% going to come please comfirm so i know how many people going to come. Once you comfirm I will inbox you the address of the site, the times and where you can get the tickets from.

Also you can bring a 1 guest as well but they still need to pay for their self and he/she need to be 16 and over.

My 21st birthday bash is going to be at SAS Paintball UK, Woodhall Farm, Wood Road, Codsall Wood, Wolverhampton, West Midlands, Staffordshire, UK, WV8 1QR.

You will need to be over the age of 16.
The date will be on the 3rd July 2010
Time: 12.00 - 5.00

So if you will like to come to my birthday bash YOU will need to confirm your place and pay by the 27th June 2010 the LATEST.


So if you will like to come it will cost:

• £20.00 Per Person Which don't include friends

You need to pay & confirm your place by the 27th June 2010 or the latest 30th June 2010 or you might be able to pay on the day

( I'm going to see if you can pay on the day )

I will let you know by wednesday the latest.

The Event Website:!/event.php?eid=127707237265652&ref=mf

The paintballing company website

From Louis Dickson / Young D Soulja / Young D